Hartmann Oncology Radiotherapy group

Making you stronger to fight cancer




Radiation therapy to kill cancer cells

Radiotherapy is, along with surgery and chemotherapy, one of the essential therapies for cancer.

Medical Oncology

Medical Oncology

Management of cancer from diagnosis to palliative care

Diagnose, assess, treat and manage patients with cancers

Metastatic disease

Metastatic disease

Metastatic Disease Center

Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread from the place where it started to another part of the body.

soins support cancer

Soins de support

Centre de médecine intégrative

Le cancer et ses traitements s’accompagnent parfois de symptômes physiques ou psychologiques qui méritent toute notre attention mais aussi notre action. Nous avons à votre disposition toute une équipe de professionnels pour rendre votre vie plus facile et plus belle.

Lire la suite


At this site, our aim is both to make you more familiar with the treatment of cancer and to introduce our team.
We conduct our work with passion aiming to provide our patients with the most effective medical care and treatment possible, using equipment at the cutting edge of technology.
Listening to our patients and responding to their needs are at the heart of our commitment.




Medical Assistants

Center of excellence in cancer treatment
1st European center
for stereotactic radiotherapy


Chemotherapy sessions/year


Radiotherapy sessions/year


Patients treated/year


Every cancer treatment is decided on after a collegial reflexion. This reflexion takes place at an RCP (Réunion de Concertation Pluridisciplinaire), a multidisciplinary meeting that takes into consideration both national and international recommendations. The therapeutic decision is, naturally, shared with the patient following clear information on the principle, modalities and possible undesirable side effects of the proposed treatment.

The coordination of the treatment is undertaken by the referring doctor – usually the member of the HORG team to whom you have been referred. The continuity of care is essential and to that end, you may be seen by other doctors, if necessary, for reasons of urgency or the need for a particular expertise.


Local treatments: they aim to eradicate (curative aim) or control (symptomatic aim) the primitive tumour or its secondary lesions. The two main modalities of local treatments are: Surgery & Radiotherapy


Systemic treatments, also known as general treatments: They aim to eradicate (curative aim) or control (symptomatic aim) secondary lesions (metasteses). At times, these treatments are given, either in a neoadjuvant context (prior to local treatments) or adjuvant (after local treatments where there is no visible residual disease).


Personalisation of the treatment: The treatment must be adapted to the patient (and not the reverse). It is essential that every effort be made to know you better and know your cancer better.

  • The oncogenetic consultation to assess the risk of developing cancer
  • The functional and geriatric assessment to assess/improve the capacity to undergo treatment
  • Characterisation of the cancer : Know your enemy


A locoregional treatment delivers energy to a targeted volume. Its aim is either curative, taking part in the curing of the cancer, or symptomatic, relieving or preventing its effects. Volumic arctherapy radiotherapy, with modulation of intensity (rapidarc/varian), image guided radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy (M6 CyberKnife/accuray) ensure high precision treatments. Radiotherapy is made-to-measure.

All our radiotherapies are carried out at the Institut de Cancérologie Hartmann.

Radiotherapy consists of utilising ionising radiations for therapeutic ends. We deliver what is called external radiotherapy (the source being outside the patient’s body).

Our high technicity platform for 3D radiotherapy and Arctherapy with modulation of intensity consists of:

  • 1 Clinac 2100
  • 3 Clinac iX with OBI (On Board Imaging) & IGRT (Image Guided RadioTherapy).
  • 1 virtual simulation adapted to large ring scanographer
  • 2 computerised planification of treatments systems (Eclipse/Varian, Pinnacle/Elekta)
  • 1 control and verification of treatment parametres system
  • 1 full set of modern apparatus control devices

External radiotherapy with modulation of intensity

All our radiotherapies are carried out in three-dimensional mode with modulation of intensity, forward planning or, almost systematically for pelvic, abdominal, thoracic or ENT by volumic arctherapy with modulation of intensity.

Stereotactic radiotherapy

The Institut de Cancérologie Hartmann was the first in the Ile de France region to possess a system dedicated to stereotactic radiotherapy: the CyberKnife.

Our latest generation M6 CyberKnife is a miniaturised accelerator mounted on a robotised arm that detects the patient’s and the tumour’s movements, follows them in real time, correcting them throughout the treatment (« tracking ») thus guaranteeing precision and giving the patient greater comfort. Using the CyberKnife does not involve any invasive restraining device; it makes it possible to administer very high doses, with the aim of « ablation », in only a very few sessions (1 to 6).

General treatments

When cancer spreads at a distance from its original organ, or in order to stop its evolution, general treatments (= systemic) can be proposed: chemotherapy, hormonotherapy, targeted treatments, anti-angiogenic treatments and immunotherapy. A better knowledge of the biology of cancers in general and of the patient’s in particular, make it possible to indicate, with precision, the best therapy. Therapeutic innovations are numerous in this area of constant progress:

Today, two main types of treatment are used in cancerology, « chemotherapy » and « targeted therapies ». A third, more recent and full of promise, is « immunotherapy ».

Constant progress is being made thanks to fundamental research and its application to clinical research.

Additional care

Cancer and its treatments sometimes cause physical or psychological symptoms that require both our full attention and action. We have a team of professional health carers dedicated to giving additional care; it covers every aspect of care that brings improvement to your quality of life and to the adhesion to specific cancer treatments.

Medical Team

Appointment and Medical Advice

You wish to make an appointment at the cancer center or obtain a medical opinion. Please fill out the following form

rendez-vous HORG

Contact us : +33

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